Rotary International District 2660, together with Osaka Alpine Federation,
completed its "Welcome APEC'95 Osaka Conference Clean Osaka Castle"
campaign on Sept. 3. Its goal was to cut shrubs on the stone walls
of the castle moat, as well as clean trash bins
and pick up waste in Osaka Castle Park.
A clean Osaka Castle, the symbol of Osaka, will enhance the welcome
to be extended to delegates of the upcoming APEC'95 Osaka Conference.
The 4-day conference begins Nov. 16.
Approximately 1,000 volunteers participated
in the large clean-up effort, including the Governor of District 2660,
roughly 200 Rotarians and Rotaracts, members of Osaka Alpine Federation,
Rangers of Osaka Municipal Police Office,
and Apualung officers.
Wearing identical tee shirts, participants gatheared
at Houkoku Shrine at 8:30 a.m.,
prayed for the day's safe operation at 9 a.m.,
then worked until 4 p.m. Newspaper and television media
have reported on the campaign,
giving it high marks for its purpose of creating awareness
of the APEC Conference among Osakans.